3 tips for a breakthrough after a breakup

3 tips for a breakthrough after a breakup
Breaking up is so hard to do. Literally. There is so much more to it than saying “it’s over”, or hearing it for that matter. Once a breakup occurs, often times the person(s) who have… View Post

Exposing and countering the ways in which single women are exploited, deceived, and hurt while waiting for marriage

Exposing and countering the ways in which single women are exploited, deceived, and hurt while waiting for marriage
Singleness has become an opportunity for vultures to prey on those praying and genuinely believing God for a spouse. In this blog, I am exposing the scams and ways Christian women get caught up. View Post

How I prepared for my marriage and not just my wedding day

How I prepared for my marriage and not just my wedding day
Sometimes, people spend so much time, money, and energy preparing for the big day that they forget about the days after that. View Post