Three ways to de-stress and relax your mind

Life has a way of becoming hectic sometimes. From work to family, to personal endeavors, etc., sometimes it gets hairy, and seems like all of it is spiraling out of control. I will never attempt to write a ‘one size fits all’ approach to the relaxation of the mind, or decompressing from stressful situations because the reality is: STRESS is NOT a one size fits all. We all cope with stress differently. Some people cope with stress better than others. Both are okay. I wanted to share some practical things that have helped me and continue to help me when I feel stressed and overwhelmed. Of course, as a Christian, my first line of defense is my prayer and devotional time, but there are also some practical (and might I add fun) things that can work as well. Let’s chat about my three ways of decompressing. I pray they work for you too.

It is a known fact that a cluttered space equals a cluttered mind. Sometimes, we subconsciously create an environment for stress to dwell in by the way we live. I realized there is a correlation between stress and clutter. I cannot think clearly in a cluttered bathroom, kitchen, or bedroom. So, when I feel really stressed, I look around at what may be “cluttered” or out of place in my space. When my home is clean, I can think through situations and focus on whatever needs my attention and thought. How do you apply this to your own life? Clean out your closet. Clean out your phone of all those screenshots you do not need. Clean out that junk drawer, or the back seat of your car that looks like a war zone. You’ll be able to think more clearly and logically in cleaner spaces. Bonus tip: if you are stressed financially, as you are decluttering, sell some of the things you no longer use. Sell your items on seller sites like thredUP, Mercari, Poshmark, Kidizen, and even Facebook Market. You’d surely be surprised how true “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure” really is.

Instant headache. This is what happens internally when our external spaces are cluttered.

The next thing that helps me de-stress and relax is brain-stimulating activity. I rediscovered how relaxing word search and crossword puzzles can be! Not only do you exercise your brain cells, you can have a good time trying to complete challenging, but not too challenging word puzzles. Consider getting a jumbo word search book or crossword puzzle. The answer to whatever is stressing you might even jump off the page at you! Other brain-stimulating activities you can do are trivia puzzles, jigsaw or 100-1000 piece puzzles, and even card games. If you aren’t into games but still want to take up an activity that exercises brain work and takes time to work through, consider taking up a hobby like crocheting, sewing, and even DIY projects. One of the greatest times and least stressful times during my pregnancy was my DIY nursery project. DIY “do it yourself” projects help you tap into your creative side and come up with options for yourself.

Sophia’s nursery was so relaxing and fun to create. It took the stress off being on a mandatory “bed rest” and unable to work at my job for my whole pregnancy.

Last but certainly not least, something that has helped me tremendously when I am stressed is listening to the Bible audibly by way of entertainment. Now, I love the Word of God and love reading it out loud. However, sometimes, I just want to hear it. That is when I turn to The Bible Experience audio version of the Bible. This is no ordinary, mundane reading of the Bible. This version comes alive with the theatrics and likes of award-winning actors. A few favorites you will easily recognize, and love listening to them as they narrate various chapters of the Bible are Angela Bassett, Cuba Gooding Jr, Eartha Kitt, LL Cool J, Blair Underwood, and Idris Elba just to name a few! After a long day, and I am listening audibly, it is kind of neat to hear Blair Underwood speaking the voice of Jesus Christ–since Blair is so smooth anyways. I love, love, LOVE this method of listening to the Bible, and not only am I hearing the Word and being strengthened, but it’s also very comical at times too.

It is my prayer these three things that help me also help you. I know this is not the answer to every situation that can cause stress. Someone who just got a negative report from a doctor’s diagnosis or someone who just lost their job right before bills are due probably do not want to do puzzles and DIY projects. And I completely understand that. However, for the situations of life that weigh on our shoulders but do not have to if we are intentional about making space to relax, I believe these are great tools. Most important to any situation no matter how ‘big’ or how ‘small’ is to remember to breathe…and remember who has supplied the air; God. God is in control.

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  1. Alexis S.
    July 16, 2020 / 10:59 pm

    This was a great read! I will definitely be using these tools to de-stress. I look forward to reading more of your blog posts!

    • adarasherron
      July 17, 2020 / 12:34 am

      Hi Alexis,
      Thank you so much for taking time to read! God bless you. XOXO, Adara

  2. Gabriella Allen
    July 17, 2020 / 11:31 am

    I will definitely be using the decluttering system and puzzle tip!!

    • adarasherron
      July 17, 2020 / 6:58 pm

      Hey Gabriella! Thanks so much for taking the time to read. Let me know how it goes!

  3. Letitia
    July 17, 2020 / 11:46 pm

    Thank you for the tips! I really like the idea of using the audible Bible. I’m definitely going to try that.

    • adarasherron
      July 18, 2020 / 2:40 am

      Awesome! Thanks, Letitia for reading and I pray this helps you.

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